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Breathwork - Free on Zoom

  • Zoom

Service Description

This all inclusive class can help bring ease and relief to those suffering with stress, anxiety, illness, post covid breathing limitations due to inflammation, fatigue, COPD and insomnia. When feeling stress or restrictions due to illness, breathing patterns may be altered, with reduced diaphragmatic movement. This can cause us to overuse accessory breathing muscles in the neck and shoulders. Our breathing may become shallow, which will in turn increase fatigue and breathlessness. Breathwork aids in reintroducing breathing patterns and increase the efficiency of respiratory muscles (especially the diaphragm), resulting in less energy expenditure, less airway irritation, reduced fatigue, and improvement in breathlessness. This breathwork class can be healing and strengthening for all. No props or yoga mat needed. You are welcome to take this class in whatever posture is most supportive for you; seated, lying down or standing.

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